Integrate with ClienTrak!

ClienTrak! is a salon management platform that gives you tools to help run and manage your business.

Gusto integrates with ClienTrak! to help you quickly sync:

Customers who join Gusto from ClienTrak! will receive Gusto payroll free for their first 3 months.

Connect to Gusto from ClientTrak!

Admins can follow these steps to set up the integration:

  1. Open ClienTrak! on your desktop.
  2. Click Reports.
  3. Select Payroll/Gusto.
    • You'll be redirected to Gusto to sign in.
  4. Sign in to your Gusto admin account.

Sync employees to Gusto

This feature will match and/or add employees to either system.

  1. Sign in to ClienTrak!.
  2. In the top bar, choose Setup.
  3. Click ID and Payroll/Gusto.
  4. Select Employee. Confirm their first name, last name, and email.
  5. Choose Edit on Employee to confirm pay types and rates.
  6. Select Gusto Payroll/Load IDs to confirm the information sync.
Sync hours, tips, and commissions to Gusto
  1. Sign in to ClienTrak!.
  2. Click Reports.
  3. Select Payroll.
  4. Choose Gusto Payroll.
  5. Select the applicable Pay Period.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the applicable pay calculations (service, retail, tips, etc) and click next.
  8. Click Upload Checks.
  9. If everything looks correct, click OK and run payroll in Gusto.
    • If an error message appears, you'll be directed to fix the error by editing employee hours or info.
Need more help?

Check out the ClienTrak! help center or contact them directly at [email protected].