Integrate with Hubstaff

Hubstaff is a business operations management software for professional teams - features include time tracking and team scheduling, team and project management, project budgeting and invoicing, and more.

Gusto integrates with Hubstaff to help automate administrative tasks and paying your team. 

Customers who join Gusto from Hubstaff will receive Gusto free for their first 3 months.

Integration details

Information that will sync from Gusto to Hubstaff:

Connect to Hubstaff

  1. Sign in to Hubstaff.
  2. From the left-menu, click Settings & Policies, and select Integrations.
  3. Click Add Integration on the right side of the page.
  4. Scroll the ‘Payroll Providers’ section and click Connect to Gusto.
    • If you’re not signed up with Gusto yet, you’ll be prompted to do so before completing the setup in Hubstaff.
  5. Once the ‘Set up Integration’ page loads, click Connect.
  6. Enter your Gusto sign-in credentials.
  7. Click Authorize.
  8. Choose which company to link the payment integration with from the drop-down menu.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Elect whether you'd like to Sync all (employees) or Select from list.
    • Select from list
      • A list of employees will appear - select to either sync to an existing Hubstaff member or invite them as new member to Hubstaff.
    • Sync all employees
      • Employees who have not been added as a member in Hubstaff yet will receive an invite to set up their account.
      • Gusto will match email addresses and automatically create payment accounts for those members that already exist in Hubstaff. 
  11. Click the Sync new members daily checkbox in the upper right-hand corner to automatically invite new employees added to Gusto to become Hubstaff members.
    • The sync will occur once daily.
  12. Click Finish.
  13. Click Continue to finish the setup. 
    • Click Cancel if you need to edit your selections.

Synced employees will now appear in the Gusto Members section of your Hubstaff account and member's approved hours will be automatically synced to Gusto payroll.

You’ll be able to review all members synced with Gusto, their pay period, pay rate, and timesheet approval status. You can edit the integration settings in Hubstaff.

Pay your team through Gusto

  1. Sign in to Hubstaff.
  2. Click the Timesheets drop-down.
  3. Click Approvals.
  4. Toggle to the Open tab at the top of the screen.
  5. To view, approve, or deny member’s hours, click the Actions drop-down on the right side of the page.
    • All approved hours will be automatically synced to Gusto based on the pay period associated with the work done.
      • Note: In order for approved hours for a member to be automatically synced, they must appear and be active in your Gusto Members section.
  6. Sign in to Gusto when it’s time to run payroll–the hours synced from Hubstaff will appear next to your employee’s names. 
    • If an employee has more than one pay rate, click the hours to review and/or edit the breakdown of hours by pay rate.
  7. Process payroll in Gusto once everything looks accurate.

Send a one-time payment to Gusto

  1. Sign in to Hubstaff.
  2. Click the Payments drop-down.
  3. Click Send.
  4. Click the One-Time Amount tab at the top of the screen.
  5. Select the member the payment is intended for.
    • The member must be set up in Hubstaff already.
  6. Enter the dollar amount.
  7. Leave a note about the payment.
  8. Click Create payment.
  9. Confirm the payment gateway is Gusto and click Send Payment.
  10. Refresh the page and within a few minutes a green Success tag should appear in the "Status" column. 
  11. Sign in to Gusto when it’s time to run payroll.
    • The one-time payment(s) synced from Hubstaff will appear next to your employee’s name in the ‘Additional Earnings’ column.

View past payments sent to Gusto

  1. Sign in to Hubstaff.
  2. Click the Payments drop-down.
  3. Scroll to the ‘Payment Events’ section to review a log of previous payments.


Open a ticket with Hubstaff detailing your question or issue.