Ethena provides sexual harassment prevention training for today’s teams by offering modern, effective content in an easy-to-use, state-compliant e-learning platform.
Gusto integrates with Ethena to sync employee data to Ethena’s platform, reducing the overhead of managing multiple systems.
Customers who join Gusto from Ethena will receive Gusto payroll free for their first 3 months.
Follow these steps to connect your company's Gusto and Ethena accounts.
If the connection was successful, the Gusto section of the integrations page will:
You can turn off the integration at any time by selecting Remove Gusto on the same page. No employees will be removed from either system if you turn off the integration.
To reduce administrative overhead, Ethena treats Gusto as the source of truth for employee information. Out of the box, Ethena syncs all employees found in Gusto with a valid work email address and job location.
The sync occurs every hour to make sure any new employees are captured early. In the Ethena employees page, users managed through Gusto have the Gusto “g” logo next to their email addresses.
Information that Gusto sends to Ethena:
At this time, contractor information does not sync to Ethena.
If you want a user to receive their training at a different email address than the one provided in Gusto, you can change their email address in Ethena.
If you do not want Gusto to automatically update employee information for an individual:
Once the Gusto icon is no longer showing next to the employee name, you’ll be responsible for managing that employee manually.
Paused users cannot view or complete any outstanding trainings and cannot be assigned to any future trainings. To pause trainings, a user must be manually managed (rather than managed through Gusto) in Ethena. If you'd like to pause trainings:
What if I’ve already added employees to Ethena?
Ethena matches users based on email address and name. This means if you used the same email address in Gusto as you did in Ethena, or if the full name matches in both systems, the integration will automatically connect the two records.
What if I want to provide Ethena training to a user who is not in my Gusto account?
Add the user directly to Ethena.
What happens if an employee isn’t syncing to Ethena?
First confirm that the Gusto employee has a valid email address as well as a valid job location. If it’s still not working, reach out to [email protected].
What do I do if I have two users in Ethena for the same employee?
Delete the incorrect user in Ethena. Then, update the correct user to have information that matches what's in Gusto (email and/or full name). The next time the auto-sync runs (usually within a 2-hour window), the Gusto user and Ethena user should match.
What happens if I dismiss an employee in Gusto but they haven’t completed all their trainings in Ethena?
Their Ethena account will be disabled and they will not be able to review or complete any outstanding training.
In Ethena, what does “disable employee” do in the employee details?
A: If a user is managed in Ethena, not by Gusto, then disabling them means they can no longer view or complete any outstanding training. They will also not be assigned any future training.
If the user is managed by Gusto, then the admin would first have to mark the user as managed by Ethena, then disable them.
Contact Ethena directly at [email protected].