Recruitee helps you hire the best talent by automating your hiring and boosting your sourcing power.
With the Gusto and Recruitee integration, you can send new hires’ info from Recruitee to Gusto for faster onboarding.
Candidate info you can send to Gusto: full name, date of birth, and email.
Connect to Gusto from Recruitee Follow these steps to set up the integration:
- Sign in to Recruitee.
Go to the Settings tab.
Scroll to “Apps and plugins” and click Integrations.
Find “Gusto” and click Integrate now.
Click Accept and integrate.
Enter your Gusto admin credentials and click Sign in.
Select the Gusto account(s) that you allow Recruitee to access and click Authorize.
- You’ll be redirected to Recruitee. Scroll to the "Gusto" section.
- Select the Recruitee roles that you authorize to view Gusto profiles or send candidate profiles to Gusto.
Click Save.
The Gusto app is now listed in Recruitee as “Integrated.” In Gusto, Recruitee is added to the App directory. The next time you hire a candidate, you can send their info from Recruitee to Gusto by following the steps below.
Send candidate profiles from Recruitee to Gusto When you hire someone, follow the below steps in Recruitee to send their profile to Gusto and start onboarding them.
- Sign in to Recruitee.
Go to the Jobs tab.
- Click the name of the candidate whose data you want to send to Gusto.
Click More in the upper-right corner.
Select Send to Gusto.
Review the info that will be sent to Gusto and click Send.
- Once the candidate’s profile is sent, the Gusto logo appears next to their name in Recruitee. Hove over the Gusto logo to see which Recruitee user sent the candidate’s profile and when.
Next to the candidate’s name, click the Gusto g logo. You’ll be sent to Gusto where you can fill out the rest of their info and onboard them to payroll. To do so, head to the People section and go to the Onboarding tab.
Until the employee is fully onboarded to Gusto, you can find their new employee profile by heading to the People section and going to the Onboarding tab.
Troubleshoot syncing issues If new hire data is not being sent from Recruitee to Gusto, try reconnecting your accounts with these steps.
- Sign in to Recruitee.
Go to the Settings tab.
Scroll to “Apps and plugins” and click Integrations.
Find “Gusto” and click Manage.
Click Reconnect.
Disconnect the integration If you no longer want to send candidate info from Recruitee to Gusto, follow these steps. This will remove all Gusto data from Gusto, but no data will be removed from Gusto.
- Sign in to Recruitee.
Go to the Settings tab.
Scroll to “Apps and plugins” and click Integrations.
Find “Gusto” and click Manage.
Click Remove integration.
Check the box and click Remove integration.
Your company’s Gusto and Recruitee accounts are no longer connected and you will not be able to send candidate data to Gusto.