Integrate with Peoplelogic is a people Intelligence platform that stitches together your team’s data into actionable insights that help you understand your people and make better decisions.

Gusto integrates with to:

At this time, the integration does not support the syncing of managers from Gusto to

Gusto customers who join from will receive 3 months free.

Set up the Gusto < > integration

To begin this process, you must have admin access in your account. If you don’t, reach out to an admin who can complete the setup.

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the + icon in the top-right, next to the gear icon.
  3. Click Add Integration.
  4. Click Connect to Gusto to connect your pre-existing Gusto account. Click Create a Gusto account to get started with Gusto.
    • If you clicked Connect to Gusto: you’ll be redirected to Gusto to sign in using your Gusto credentials. If you’re already signed in you won’t be prompted to do so again.
    • If you selected to Create a Gusto account: follow the additional prompts.
  5. Click Authorize.
  6. You’ll be redirected back to, where you should see a confirmation banner confirming the connection was successful.
  7. Click the Employee or Team tab at the top of the screen to confirm the information is syncing.

Once you’ve connected to, the initial sync will run immediately, and automatic syncs of employee and contractor information will occur each hour.

Still need help? 

If you’re having trouble getting connected or using the integration, contact directly. You can submit an email ticket or call (919) 813-6616.