Integrate with Dolce

Dolce is a labor management solution helping streamline your workflows. Features include a POS system with scheduling and timekeeping, tips distribution, franchise and mobile support, labor compliance, and more.

Gusto integrates with Dolce to streamline the payroll process by syncing pay-data from Dolce to Gusto. Information that syncs:

Customers who join Gusto from Dolce will receive Gusto payroll free for their first 3 months.

Connect to Gusto from Dolce

  1. Sign in to Dolce.
  2. Click the gear icon in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  3. Click General Settings.
  4. Scroll to the “Payroll Setting” section.
  5. Under “Default Payroll Settings,” locate and click the Payroll Export Type dropdown.
  6. Select Gusto Payroll API.
  7. Scroll to the bottom and click Save Payroll Options.
  8. For a second time, click the gear icon in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  9. Click Payroll Mapping.
  10. Scroll to the section titled “Gusto Payroll.”
  11. If you’re an existing user, click Connect Dolce to an existing Gusto Payroll Account. If you’re a new Gusto customer, fill out your company details in the new company form field and click Setup a new Gusto Payroll Company.
    • New Gusto users: to continue the setup, you’ll need to click Click here now to claim your Company in Gusto. Then, select to use the email entered or your Google account to get started with Gusto. 
      • Dolce will send your information to Gusto and we’ll reach out to you with next steps for completing your Gusto setup. 
      • Once you’ve set up your Gusto account fully, return to this same location in Dolce, select to set up an existing account, and proceed to step 12. 
  12. Enter your Gusto sign in credentials and click Sign In.
  13. Click Authorize.
    • Confirm you received the confirmation message.
  14. The next step is to sync your location(s) to a specific Gusto account - click the gear icon in the menu bar at the top of the screen. 
    • Dolce allows you to sync multiple locations to a single Gusto account, so you’ll need to edit settings in Dolce by location to accommodate your specific syncing needs.
  15. Click General Settings.
  16. Scroll to the “Payroll Groupings” section.
  17. Create a pay group for one or multiple locations.
  18. Indicate the schedules that fit that location in Dolce.
  19. Select the corresponding Gusto account from the “Linked Payroll Sync Account” dropdown.

You can also navigate to this section of Dolce to log directly into Gusto by clicking Login to your Gusto Payroll Account.

Export hours from Dolce to Gusto

  1. From the top toolbar in Dolce, click Reports.
  2. Make sure “Payroll” is the selection in the dropdown.
  3. From the Payroll screen, select the pay period.
  4. Click Show Report.
  5. If everything looks correct, click Submit Payroll to Gusto Payroll.

You should receive a confirmation message that the payroll was sent. The pay data from Dolce should appear in your payrolls in the Run Payroll section of Gusto.

Keep in mind: you can click the Hours totals in Gusto payrolls to review the more granular breakdown of total hours. 

Troubleshoot warning messages

Employee information automatically syncs every 6 hours–if a change in one system is made and has yet to be captured in the other, you may need to manually update information.

Still need help? 

Check out Dolce’s Support Center or contact them directly at [email protected] or (833) 396-4335.