Secureframe helps you streamline your security compliance by automating SOC 2 and ISO 27001 compliance, completing audits, and continuously monitoring your security. With Secureframe, your company can be compliant within weeks, not months.
Gusto integrates with Secureframe to pass user information that helps make sure your company is meeting the required onboarding and offboarding compliance controls. Information that syncs:
- Employee name
- Employee email
- Employee job title
- Company org chart
- Contractor name
- Contractor email
- Contractor type
- Hire and separation dates (for both employees and contractors)
Customers who join Gusto from Secureframe will receive Gusto payroll free for their first 3 months.
Connect to Gusto from Secureframe
During company onboarding, you’ll go through a step to connect the services your company uses–Gusto should be selected as your HR provider.
Sign in to Secureframe.
- Go to the Connect Services section.
- If you’re still onboarding, you’ll go through a step to connect the services your company uses–Gusto should be selected as your HR provider.
- From the “Connect Services” page, under “Human Resources,” click +Add Connection in the Gusto tile.
- If you already have a Gusto account, click Start Connection and proceed to the next step.
- If you’re new to Gusto, begin the signup process by clicking Get Started.
- You’ll be asked to enter your phone number. A member of the Gusto team will call you within the hour to help get you started with the setup of your account.
- Enter your Gusto sign-in credentials and click Sign In.
- If you’re already logged in, you won’t be asked to sign in again.
- Select only one company to authorize and click Authorize–the integration doesn’t support multiple companies connecting to a single Secureframe account.
- You’ll be redirected back to Secureframe and employee and contractor data will begin to sync.
- If you authorize multiple companies, the integration will connect but you’ll receive an error down the road–to fix this issue, you’ll need to disconnect the integration and then reconnect and only authorize a single company.
- Click Next Step in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Employee and contractor information will sync automatically each night from Gusto to Secureframe. Head to the Employees section of your Secureframe account to review the synced information.
- Secureframe cannot push updates or changes to your Gusto account.
Manually sync information
If you need to sync information before the automatic sync that occurs each night:
- In Secureframe, go to the Services section.
- Under Gusto, click Sync next to “Connection #1.”
Still need help?
Check out Secureframe’s Help Center or contact them directly at [email protected].