Integrate with Xendoo

Xendoo is an online bookkeeping and tax service that offers monthly financial reports, tax filings, and a dedicated accounting team for your business.

Enable the Gusto and Xendoo integration to visualize how your payroll is trending, compare it to revenue for the same period, or see when your next upcoming payroll will process. 

Connect to Xendoo from Gusto 

  1. Sign in to your Xendoo account
  2. Go to the Integrations section.
  3. Click Learn More in the Gusto panel.
  4. If you have a Gusto account, click Connect Your Existing Account.
    • If you’re new to Gusto: click Create Your Account and follow the steps below.
    • Verify your company name and FEIN and click Create Account.
    • Click Complete Account Creation.
    • Click Create with Email
    • Go to your email inbox and click the link in the email from Gusto.
    • Choose your Gusto password then set up your account.
    • Return to Step 2 above to finish authorizing Xendoo to access your Gusto payroll data. 
  5. Confirm your company’s EIN and click Connect
  6. Enter your Gusto sign-in credentials.
  7. Select the Gusto company you’d like to authorize Xendoo to access. 
    • You can connect more than one Gusto company to your Xendoo account. Once you finish connecting the first account, go to your other account(s) in Xendoo and repeat the above steps.  
  8. Click Authorize

Your Gusto portal is now connected and your payroll data will begin syncing over to Xendoo in seconds. If you already have payroll data in Gusto and the Xendoo payroll chart doesn’t update right away, wait about a minute then refresh your page. After the initial sync, payroll data is updated nightly at 11 pm ET. 

Disconnect the Gusto and Xendoo integration

  1. Sign in to your Xendoo account
  2. Go to the Integrations section in the left sidebar.
  3. In the Gusto panel, click the three dots in the upper-right corner.
  4. Click Disconnect.

Xendoo will no longer store or access your Gusto payroll data. 

Frequently asked questions

My payroll data isn’t correct.

Why isn’t there a “Next payroll” date in the chart?

How does Xendoo handle my data?

Still need help? 

Contact Xendoo directly at [email protected] or 954-687-0971