To identify the employees who are 2% S-Corp shareholders in Gusto, your business must be listed as:
If your company is not set up as an S-Corp or LLC, change your entity type first.
If you're changing an employee's shareholder (owner) classification in Gusto, the timing of the change and if they've had previous benefit deductions determine next steps. Choose the most applicable scenario from the dropdowns below to learn more.
If you’re updating an employee’s shareholder status to 2%, and it’s the beginning of the calendar year, follow these steps:
If you’re updating an employee’s 2% shareholder status mid-or-end of the year, and they have NOT received pre-tax benefit deductions so far (e.g., your company has not been withholding health insurance premiums), learn how to fix the benefit totals below:
If you’re updating an employee’s 2% shareholder status mid-or-end of the year, and they HAVE received pre-tax benefit deductions this calendar year (e.g., your company withheld health insurance premiums)—our team will need to help with adjusting their benefits as there are tax implications.
Contact us from the Help section of your account, and include:
Our team will get in touch with next steps.