You're only charged the monthly per-contractor price ($6, or $12 based on plan type) in the months you pay the contractor. When you're done paying a contractor (US or international), you can dismiss them.
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What to expect when you dismiss a contractor
Dismiss a contractor
If you need to pay your contractor in the future, rehire them first, then submit the payment.
If you need to pay a contractor who already has a dismissed profile in Gusto, rehire them:
The contractor will appear active (instead of dismissed) in the Team members section of Gusto on the start date.
Once they're active, to pay them, go to the Pay section and select Pay Contractors.
You can only dismiss a contractor a second time after you've processed a payment (or reported a historical payment)—as a reminder, you're only charged their monthly per-contractor price in the months they're paid (or a historical payment is reported). This means you're not being charged for them just because they're active, only when you pay them.
Head to our article on changing worker types.