Edit an employee's work info (for admins)

Admins with the required permissions can learn how to edit an employee's work details below. If you need to update an employee's personal details instead (e.g., home address, phone number, etc), learn how in this article.  

If you're an employee, you can update some of your own information

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Change an employee's email—work, personal, or recovery

Sometimes, you won’t be able to change a teammate's email address for them. If that happens, they’ll need to update it themselves or contact Gusto if they cannot (there might be implications related to the email change).

Update a work email

  1. Go to the People section.
  2. Click on your employee's name.
  3. Go to the Work tab and find the “Role” section.
  4. Next to “Work email” click Edit.
  5. Enter the email.
  6. Click Save.

Update a personal or recovery email

Admins may not be able to update an email for employees who have:

  • Benefit deductions (managed by Gusto, or not managed by Gusto)
  • Gusto Cash Accounts

If this is the case, contact us from the Help section of your account so we can assist. 

How to update the personal or recovery email (when editable):

  1. Go to the People section.
  2. Click on your employee's name.
  3. Go to the Personal tab and find the “Personal information” section.
  4. Next to “Personal email” click Edit.
    • You must use an email address that’s not associated with any other Gusto account.
    • To update the “Recovery email”, find and click the Edit next to “Personal information”.
  5. Enter the new email in both the “New email” and “Confirm email” fields.
  6. Click the checkbox to acknowledge that this will change the email used to access the account.
  7. Click Save.
  8. The employee will receive next steps at the new email address. They must follow the prompt in the email to complete the update.
    • If the employee does not see the confirmation email, they should check their spam folder.
    • You can also resend the email: On their employee profile, return to the Work tab. If the employee has not yet approved the change in the confirmation email, a "Pending" section is listed under "Email." Click Resend Email.