A few weeks after each quarter ends, you can see all the quarterly returns we filed on your behalf by heading to the Taxes & Compliance section of your account.
Sometimes adjustments are made to your account that affect the amount of taxes owed (ex. payroll reversals, rate changes, etc.), and you may be liable to pay more to the federal and state agencies. To accommodate this difference, we'll debit your company for any additional taxes owed on a "tax reconciliation" payroll—learn more below.
For a full list of the forms filed by Gusto, click here.
Some forms, coupons, or payment vouchers that are filed electronically may not appear in your Tax documents section. You can find those payment receipts by running an agency payments report.
If you cannot find a specific form that you believe Gusto filed on your behalf, contact us from the Help section of your account.
As a Gusto Partner, you can download quarterly tax packages and end of year W-2 and 1099 forms for all your clients.
If any of your clients have amended returns, you'll need to reach out to a company admin to retrieve them.
As each payroll is processed, we debit the required payroll taxes that apply—we then pay and file taxes and forms.
If adjustments are made that affect the amount of taxes owed (after payrolls have already processed, or forms filed), you may be liable to pay more to federal or state agencies.
To properly account for the changes and calculate tax differences, we run a “tax reconciliation” payroll to make sure the correct tax amounts have been paid and reported to each agency. When these types of payrolls are processed, you may see that:
If your company has multiple bank accounts set up, we'll debit or credit the default bank account on file.
Some tax reconciliation payrolls happen automatically as a result of changes to your account, or on a quarterly basis (to correct potential tax discrepancies ahead of filing). Other times, they may be run by our team, as needed, as a response to one of the situations below.
To download the summary of a specific reconciliation, scroll to the bottom-right corner of the reconciliation details page and click Download.
If you plan to make the tax payments associated with the tax reconciliation payroll outside of Gusto (directly to the agency), you can cancel the Gusto debit. Canceling the debit does not cancel the amount owed or the payroll reporting of the amount.
This option is available until we've initiated the debit.
As a reminder, you'll only be able to cancel the entire debit—if you need to cancel specific parts of it, or the tax reconciliation looks wrong, contact us from the Help section of your account.
Email notifications are sent when a tax reconciliation payroll results in a debit greater than $5.00.
The email will notify you of the factors that impacted the tax reconciliation, the adjustment period, the last four digits of the bank account that will be debited, the debit date, any applicable taxes, and the total debit amount.
In certain cases, you may receive an email about a refund from Gusto—we'll let you know if there's any action required on your end, like reimbursing employees for overpaid taxes.