Brokers: Complete member-level enrollment tasks

When an employee enrolls in benefits, is dismissed, submits a qualifying life event, or updates their personal information, brokers are notified by email to complete member-level benefit tasks.

Once you mark a task as complete, the employee’s payroll deductions are updated on the next payroll run.

API automation with Guardian

With the broker integration, you can now automate some member-level tasks with Guardian. 

This service is provided at no additional cost.

The API automation offers near real-time processing of these tasks: 

  • New hire enrollments
  • Employee terminations
  • Individual member updates (such as name and address changes)

When one of these changes is made in Gusto, it’s automatically sent to Guardian and typically completed within minutes.

Tasks that still require action from the broker can be found by clicking view details in the New employee benefits tasks banner on the Benefits page. Brokers will need to manually process any tasks there. 

Unsupported tasks

The below situations are currently not supported by the automation. Brokers should continue to manage these tasks from the Benefits section in Gusto. 

  • Open enrollment
  • Qualifying life events 
  • When more than one plan is offered per line of coverage (ex: multiple dental plans)
  • When the company has multiple employee classes 
Activate the automation

To opt in, email [email protected]. Include the company’s Guardian group ID numbers.

Automation will typically begin within a week. Continue to manually process pending tasks as usual. Once the automation is active, automatically processed tasks will start appearing under the Completed tasks tab, with the note “Completed by carrier automation.” 

Audit automated changes 

Most tasks are automatically completed in Guardian within a few minutes of being created in Gusto. 

Any tasks that require broker action are listed in a yellow banner on the Benefits page. 

Here’s how to check the Completed tasks tab for a list of changes that have been made:

  1. Sign in to your client’s Gusto admin account.
  2. Go to the Benefits section.
  3. Select Completed tasks
  4. If a change was made by the API, it’s listed as “Completed by carrier automation.”
  5. Click on any task to see more details.
Failed syncs 

If a change fails to sync to the carrier for any reason, you’ll receive the usual benefit task email notification and we’ll add it to the Benefits page as a pending task. You’ll need to process the task manually. 


How long does it take for an enrollment change to be completed with the carrier? 

Automated changes are typically completed within minutes of being submitted in Gusto. To see a task's current status, refresh the Completed tasks page in Gusto. 

Can the automation connect directly with a broker or customer rather than the carrier?

No, the automation only connects directly to the carrier. 

Can I customize what data Gusto sends via the automation?

No, data customization is not available. 

What happens if I do not provide my authorization? 

If you do not opt in and authorize the automation, you’ll continue to complete tasks manually.

Change or fix an enrollment

Here’s what to do if an enrollment needs to be changed or corrected for any reason: 

  1. Work directly with the insurance carrier to make the change. 
  2. Once the carrier confirms the change, email [email protected] with the details that need to be updated in Gusto. 
Turn off the automation

Email [email protected] to deactivate the automation.

Once we let you know the automation is turned off, you’ll manage all tasks from the Benefits tab of your Gusto admin account. 

Need help?

For questions about the automation, reach out to [email protected]