When you turn on Payroll on AutoPilot®, payroll will automatically run one day before your payroll deadline. You have 24 hours to make changes or cancel it if you need to. If you want to do payroll manually, just turn off Payroll on AutoPilot®.
Tip: We do not recommend using Gusto Time Tracking and Payroll on AutoPilot® together. It does not allow enough time to approve hours before payroll runs (and the Time Tracking hours override the default hours for hourly employees).
Payroll on AutoPilot® is available on all plans that allow you to pay employees (Simple, Plus, or Premium).
Use the dropdowns below to learn more. Use CMD + F (or CTRL + F) to search for words in the article.
Important reminders—please read Reminders
Payroll on AutoPilot® is not available for paying US contractors.
Payroll on AutoPilot® uses the company's default bank account (unless changed)
- You can change the bank associated with Payroll on AutoPilot® in Settings > Pay settings. However, you cannot update it in the payroll processing flow.
Some actions can turn off Payroll on AutoPilot®
- Example: If a team member changes their payment method to check instead of direct deposit, it will turn off Payroll on AutoPilot® for everyone on the same pay schedule.
Things to do before Payroll on AutoPilot® runs
Report commissions for commission-only employees before payroll runs, or they will not get paid.
- Commission-only employees have a $0 salary until the commission is entered.
Approve (or review) all applicable expenses one day before the payroll deadline—this is when Payroll on AutoPilot® processes.
Turn Payroll on AutoPilot® on or off Choose a dropdown below based on how many pay schedules you have set up in Gusto.
The company has one pay schedule - Make sure all team members on the schedule are set up with direct deposit.
- Go to the Pay section and click Pay settings.
- If you do not see the Pay section, you do not have the required permissions, or you are in the wrong profile (ex., you're in your employee profile instead of your admin profile).
- Find the "Pay schedule" section and next to "Autopilot" click Edit.
- Toggle to On, or Off.
- Click Save.
When Payroll on AutoPilot® is turned on, you’ll get an email when payroll is processed.
The company has multiple pay schedules If you add a new pay schedule, Payroll on AutoPilot® only works for the first schedule until you manually turn it on for the new schedule. To do so:
- Make sure all team members on the schedule are set up with direct deposit.
- Go to the Pay section and click Pay settings.
- If you do not see the Pay section, you do not have the required permissions, or you are in the wrong profile (ex., you're in your employee profile instead of your admin profile).
- Find the "Pay schedule" section and next to "Autopilot" click Edit.
- Click Enabled.
- Choose the schedule you want to enable Payroll on AutoPilot® for :
- Both Salaried and Hourly employees
- Just Salaried employees
- Just Hourly employees
- Click Save.
Edit a Payroll on AutoPilot® When you turn on Payroll on AutoPilot®, payroll will automatically run one day before your payroll deadline. You have 24 hours to make changes or cancel it if you need to. After that, you cannot edit the payroll, but may still have an option to cancel or reverse the payroll.
Go to the Pay section and click Run payroll.
- If you do not see the Pay section, you do not have the required permissions, or you are in the wrong profile (ex., you're in your employee profile instead of your admin profile).
- Choose the pay period and click Run payroll.
- Edit any details and save the changes.
Payroll on AutoPilot® will submit the payroll as usual.
Actions that can turn off Payroll on AutoPilot® Some actions will turn off Payroll on AutoPilot® without you knowing. If it gets disabled for any reason, it will turn off for everyone on the same pay schedule (but it will not impact other pay schedules).
If Payroll on AutoPilot® gets turned off, the primary admin gets an email notification.
Actions that can turn off Payroll on AutoPilot® (some, but not all):
- An employee changes their payment method from direct deposit to check.
- You add a new worker with no direct deposit or no default hours (for hourly workers).
- Certain company changes can also turn off AutoPilot®, like:
- Any change that requires forms to be signed by the signatory after.
Changes to the company bank account associated with Payroll on AutoPilot®.
- New state tax information is needed before payroll can be run.