Edit a US contractor's personal info (for admins)

Employers must help US contractors with changes they cannot make on their own. Make sure the US contractor is added to Gusto before updating any information.

Admins with the required permissions can edit a US contractor's: 

They can also dismiss contractors. If a dismissed contractor's info needs to be updated, learn how to view and update their dismissed profile. 

Need to fix a 1099 from a previous year? 

If you need to fix a previous year’s 1099, go to our article on correcting 1099s.

Use the dropdowns below to learn more. Use CMD + F (or CTRL + F) to search for words in the article.

Update a contractor's personal email

This will change the account access email.

This action could grant unauthorized access to sensitive information or result in account lockout. Please make sure the information is correct.

  1. Go to the People section.
  2. Click on the name of the contractor that you need to update.
  3. Under “Information” click Personal.
  4. Next to “Personal email” click Edit.
  5. Update the email address. 
    • This will change the account access email. This action could grant unauthorized access to sensitive information or result in account lockout. Please make sure the information is correct.
    • We'll email the new address to verify the email change request. 
  6. Click Save
Update a contractor's personal phone number (for company records)

The personal phone number in the contractor profile is for company records only. Contractors will be asked to set up 2-step verification for their own profiles, and if they choose to use a phone number (instead of an authenticator app) it's entered and managed separately.

  1. Go to the People section.
  2. Click on the name of the contractor that you need to update.
  3. Under “Information” click Personal.
  4. Next to "Personal Information," click Edit
  5. Update their personal number on record with the company, and click Save.
Change the emergency contact for a contractor

Your team members can make this update on their own as well. 

  1. Go to the People section. 
  2. Select a team member.
  3. Go to the Personal tab and scroll to the "Emergency contact" card.
  4. Next to "Emergency contact" click Edit.
  5. Update the emergency contact info, and click Save.